Monday, 10 August 2015

My 150 mile challenge!

I've set myself a challenge - between now (well technically the 3rd of August) and the 18th of October 2015 I'm going to run a minimum of 150 miles concluding with the Birmingham Half Marathon.


The challenge has started with a total of 18 miles this week - 132 to go!

My achy body, tried legs and blistered feet are for a worthy cause. I'm raising money for two incredible charities -  Breast Cancer Care and Breast Cancer Now. 

Breast Cancer Care are the only UK wide support charity providing information and support to people affected by breast cancer and the only one providing services, support and information for younger women with breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Now are the UK's largest breast cancer charity, formed from the merger of Breast Cancer Campaign and Breakthrough Breast Cancer. They are dedicated to funding research in to this devastating disease so that by the year 2050, no one will die from breast cancer.

Please support me to raise money for these charities by donating whatever you are able to or simply sharing my fundraising page with your friends, family and followers. Every little bit counts.

I'll be documenting my challenge on the interweb so you can keep track of my progress (and my mileage!):

Twitter: @rebeccas150mile

Thank you! xx

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

A year in pictures

It's said that a picture is worth a thousand words.

On that basis, this post must be practically a novel! 

Here is the year since my diagnosis in pictures: